Moral Injury
This is a post for the therapists in the room about the difference between moral injury/systemic
May 22, 2022
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Podcasts for therapists
I wanted to share two podcasts I recommend for counsellors and other interested individuals. They probably
May 22, 2022
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(When relationships are) Too good to leave, too bad to stay
(When relationships are) Too good to leave, too bad to stay This is by no means
June 18, 2020
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The ways the concept of Starvation Economy negatively affects both monogamous and non-monogamous relationships.
What is Starvation Economy? Despite the wording it has nothing to do with business or economy.
May 5, 2020

Why anger is a bodyguard emotion, what it’s protecting, and how it can be both useful and dangerous.
So anger… what do I think about it? It’s so complicated. I don’t see it as
April 1, 2020
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Relationship counselling includes your relationship to yourSelf. (See what I did there? Haha.)
Relationship counselling is also counselling for your self-development. It might sound woo-woo (which is I phrase
April 1, 2020
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